Data Story

SPU’s History of Theology

Seattle Pacific University is a Private Christian University in a modern world. As students from all faith backgrounds call SPU’s folliage filled campus home, we look back at the theological history that formed us.

c. 2081 BC

God’s Covenant with Abram

Genesis 15

c. 2066 BC

Isaac Born

Genesis 21

c. 1906 BC

Jacob Named Israel

Genesis 35:10

c. 1525 BC

Moses Born

Exodus 2

c. 1446 BC

The Exodus

Exodus 13-18

c. 1406 BC

Israel Crosses the Jordan River

Joshua 3-5

c. 1382 BC – c. 1063 BC

Israel Ruled by Judges

The book of Judges.

c. 1043 BC

Saul Becomes King of Israel

1 Samuel 8-10

c. 1003 BC

David Becomes King of Israel

2 Samuel 5, 1 Chronicles 11

c. 931 BC

The Kingdom Divides

1 Kings 12-13

c. 722 BC

Israel Taken Captive by Assyria

2 Kings 17:6

c. 597 BC

Judah Exiled in Babylon

2 Kings 24:10

c. 537 BC

Exiles Return

Ezra 2

63 BC

Rome’s Occupation of Israel Begins

The Roman Empire grew to include the Israelites’ homeland.

c. 4 BC

Jesus of Nazareth Born

Luke 2

c. 30 AD

Crucifixion of Jesus

Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, John 19

c. 33 AD


Acts 2

57 AD

Paul’s Letter to the Romans

The Book of Romans

313 AD

Edict of Milan

Christianity became legal in the Roman Empire.

325 AD

Council of Nicea

In this first ecumenical council, the Nicene Creed is created.

451 AD

Council of Chalcedon

This ecumenical council affirmed Jesus having two natures: divine and human.

1054 BC

Great Schism

The Eastern Orthodox Church split from the Roman Catholic Church.

1517 AD

95 Theses

Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses and thus starts the Protestant Reformation.

1545-63 AD

Council of Trent

The Roman Catholic Church met to counter the Reformation.

1730-60 AD

The ‘Great Awakening’

Protestant revival happened in New England.

1728 AD

John Wesley Ordained as Anglican Priest

Wesley was ordained as a priest in the Church of England.

1735 AD

John Wesley Becomes a Missionary

Wesley moved from Oxford to Georgia in New England.

1784 AD

John Wesley Forms The Methodist Episcopal Church

After starting Holy Clubs while at Oxford and beginning the “Method” in Georgia, the Methodist Episcopal Church was officially formed.

1852 AD

B.T. Roberts Ordained in The Methodist Episcopal Church

Roberts became an Elder in The Methodist Episcopal Church.

1853 AD

B.T. Roberts Tries to Reform The Methodist Episcopal Church

Roberts would not stand for slaveholding and other discriminator acts within The Methodist Episcopal Church.

1860 AD

B.T. Roberts Made First Bishiop of The Free Methodist Church

Roberts’ ordination credentials in The Methodist Episcopal Church were stripped and he started organizing meetings that turned into The Free Methodist Church.

1891 AD

Free Methodists Found Seattle Seminary

Alexander and Adelaide Beers first enrolled 34 students in their school.

1980s AD

SPRINT Started at SPU

Seattle Pacific Reachout International (SPRINT) was started for students to participate in ministry opportunities both locally and internationally.

2004 AD

John Perkins Center Founded

SPU partners with the John and Vera Mae Perkins Foundation to highlight community development.

2004 AD

SPU Board of Trustees Ratifies Faith Statement

This faith statement claims that SPU is “historically orthodox,” “clearly evangelical,” “distinctively Wesleyan,” and “genuinely ecumenical.”

2021 AD

Lawsuit Taken Out Against SPU

A Nursing Professor sues SPU claiming discrimination against his sexual orientation.

2021-23 AD

Debate Across Campus SPU’s on Statement of Human Sexuality

Tensions rise on SPU’s campus as legal matters arising out of the Nursing Professor’s lawsuit unfold.


SPU’s University Ministries Gifted $125K

Two anonymous alumni gave the grant that will be used to expand ministry events for commuter students.